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All Gravy - Gary Birchard & Andrew Lanoue

Wisdom and Ardor

It takes equal parts experienced eyes and fresh perspectives to layer Raised Jay across all of the growth and expansion we’ve seen over the past several years. Below, Steve Wright sits down with recent hire Andrew Lanoue and old-and-in-the way Gary Birchard who’s been stewing stews and steaming soups at Jay Peak for nearly 20 years. The things that distinguish them aren’t nearly as important as the things they share. Gary, Bear Birchard, is wearing his kitchen blacks and a white apron. Andrew is wearing a flannel, is holding a cup of coffee and easily.

Steve Wright

I hope it wasn’t too big a pain in the ass to sit down today. Gary, your nickname is Bear, can I call you Bear?

Gary Birchard

You can, yes. I sat all day yesterday—fishing for Perch in Newport—I’m ok with sitting.


You’ve been here for 20 years and have seen a lot. What have you seen?


I’ve seen old hotels come down and new ones come up. I’ve seen a lot of snow. I’ve seen some bad winter drivers. And a load of gravy. I worked in every kitchen in this place and these people love gravy.


How about you Andrew, you’ve only been here a year but what have you seen?

Andrew Lanoue

I got 100 days on snow this year, took pictures, write stories, edited videos and managed lots of communications channels. I’ve seen a lot. I also love gravy.


What was life like before Jay Peak?


I worked back in the Mad River Valley back when that was the place to be. Worked at a place called Mooselips which served BBQ and pizza and Chez Henri—french food, duck, frog’s legs, that sort of thing. Then I moved to the Kingdom and worked down the road at The Jay Village Inn. Worked all over the Kingdom in lots of kitchens. If there was a flat grille, I probably worked there.


I was working at a UPS Store in Burlington training outlets on how to design marketing pieces. I really started working at Jay Peak when I was 16, but I never thought I’d be able to connect to a full time surrounded by the things that I loved.


By gravy?


More like photography and editing and snowboarding and writing.


It’s amazing how many talented local people have sort of ‘appeared’ as a result of the growth here isn’t it?


It’s a good thing too ‘cause there’s a lot bigger need for them now. And the lifeguards, I never knew where we were going to find all of them but we sure enough did.


Have you guys had much of an opportunity to enjoy the new things here—the waterpark specifically?


Nope. Served a BBQ in there a few weeks ago. Shrimp and Swordfish kabobs, flank steak. I don’t see myself on that wave. I’d like to get into that Jacuzzi though. Reminds me of a pond near my house where I go gigging for frogs.



Yeah Bull Frogs. Big ones, the size of this (hands are shoulder width apart). You tie a piece of red flannel and a #2 hook to a 10’ piece of willow and 20# line and yank em out of a small pond, back of my house. Yank em out, whack em on the head and tear off their legs-I used to sell 50 pairs a week at $5 a pound. Those were good weeks.


More for you than the frogs you mean.




I’m responsible for shooting images of everything, creating videos to show the public and updating people on what’s happening. I get to enjoy everything my share of the time too, but a lot of chronicling things too.


Any words of wisdom for those getting ready to experience Jay for the first time, or first time in a long time?


It’s the best of all possible places. This place will change you for the better. What’s better than that?


If you like to fish, the Kingdom is great. Perch, Rainbow, Salmon, Bowhead, Bass and Bluegills. Keep the gravy off of them though.

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