I want to be nocturnal; like a bat or a giraffe (the image of a pair of eyes in the dark, blinking once, then a light being turned on showing it’s a giraffe, may be funny)
I won’t ever kill a lady bug (maybe a small child looking at an enormous lady bug who’s rapping a rolling pin in one of its hands would be funny)
I want it to always be winter and always be summer
I won’t ever eat my steak medium again (a kid sticks a fork in the backside of a live cow-cow raises its eyebrows)
I want to be a Unimaid (Half unicorn and half mermaid)
I want to live at the top of Jay Peak with my llama
I’m going to drink wine every day-sometimes by myself.
I will only golf if I can use colored balls
I’ll always get green (?)
I will watch The Walking Dead all day and probably not get scared
I will always eat more than one scoop of ice cream.
I will be the boss of me.
When I’m big I will read big books. And I will write long books.
I will learn things. I will invent things. I will say a lot of things
I will be better at peeing in the woods.
I will be a snowboard instructor
I will be a princess that doesn’t care about princes.
When I throw snowballs at my sisters heads, I will never miss.
I won’t be scared to jump from the highest ledge.
I still won’t drink Orange Juice with pulp in it.
I will be in charge of the grill.
I will loan my parent’s money if they need it. They don’t even need to pay it back, you know, right away.
I will expect a lot from myself.
I won’t cut people in line unless I have to. (Thought about powder day/lift line possibilities here)
I will always get the last slice.
I will share stuff. Even stuff I like.
I will go barefoot in the summer, everywhere I go, as long as I can wear sandals.
In the winter, I will ride other places then Jay Peak, as long as they take pictures of me and give me lunch
I will never forget my season pass again. Although I probably still will
I’ll probably marry Bill Stenger. He’ll probably be really old, but nice.
I will care more about snow storms than my homework
I will like snow days more than beach days although beach days are better than rainy days and rainy days are better than no days.
If someone falls down in Moonwalk Woods, even if they aren’t crying, I’ll make sure they’re ok
I will still like snowboarding better than skiing, and skiing better than bowling and bowling better than nothing.
I will eat ribs a lot and probably wipe my face on my shirt, but not if my mom is watching.
I won’t catch butterflies in a net because people don’t do that.
I won’t lay in a hammock because they aren’t that comfortable is you ask me plus when you fall out you could get a commission (she meant to say concussion)
I will put sunblock on because it helps prevent cancer and makes you smell like you had a bath even if you haven’t for like 9 days.
I will eat outside even if there are ants and grasshoppers and dirt
I will play golf if I can drive the cart and not play golf.